On Monday I was scheduled to baby-sit at five o’clock. Their mother and I planned to meet at Diana’s softball practice at a field near my house. I had told her that I had Yankee Opening Day tickets and that I would most likely be home by 4:30 because the game started at one o’clock. I would have felt bad canceling on her. So I reassured her that I would be there. I would never make an obligation that I couldn’t uphold, but, this was a close call.
I asked their mother that in the event that I didn’t make it in time would she have an alternate plan. She ensured me that everything would work out if I couldn’t make it, but would prefer if I could make it. I was hoping on ran on Monday because if it rained I wouldn’t have to baby-sit. Fortunately the practice got cancelled. Unfortunately my Yankee Game go rained out as well.