Wednesday, March 12, 2008

First Timer

For the first time last week Diana and her friend went to the movies by themselves. He mother called me at 3:20 to tell me that the movie her daughter planned to see a movie that began at 3:30. I rushed around trying to get Alex ready to leave and try to calm the mother down and ensure her that her daughter would be safe at the movie theatres.

After getting Diana and Alex settled in the car, we rushed off to pick up her friend that lived a few minutes away. Diana’s friend Julie’s older brother came outside as I pulled up to plan out how the girls would get home. I told him that I would pick them up.

With only a few minutes left to spare, the girls ran inside and paid for their tickets and waved to me as they ran into the theatre. To ensure the girl’s safety, I had Diana text me at various points of the movie to make sure that they were ok.

The girls enjoyed the movie and had a great time knowing that they were capable of viewing a movie without adult supervision.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Kids Say the Darnest Things

So the other week I worked out really hard at the gym for the first time in awhile. I decided that I wanted to get more toned and had my friend Rob who is a personal trainer train me. We worked rigorously on my abs because I want a more toned stomach. It turns out I worked out really hard and suffered the next few days in pain.

I went to baby-sit the next day and could barely move. They best way to describe my body stature was comparing me to a hunch back. My stomach muscles were burning making it very hard for me to walk and stand up straight. Alex wondered why I was standing strangely and wanted me to show him how I stood numerous times. He asked me what was wrong and sympathized for my pain.

He asked me if I got bit and to stratify his urge to know the answer I replied yes. He continued by asking me if I got bit by a bug or a dog. I replied yes in order to stop his wondering. Finally Alex sparks up with an answer and his face lightens up. He say, “ I know! You got a baby in there!” My face blushed and I was said, “ NO, NO, that’s not it,” thinking that I could convince him that he was false. I thought I convinced him but I was wrong.

The next day while I was doing my observances at his mother’s school, she walks into the room that I was observing in hysterically laughing. She tried to catch he breath while she was talking and said that Alex told her that I wasn’t feeling good. She asked him what was wrong and if I was ok and he responded that I had a baby in my tummy. I wanted to crawl up in a ball and turn invisible. It was very funny and obviously a false story, but I was surprised to hear that he repeated his story to his mother.